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1 comments | e hënë, 7 maj 2007

Check out the necklace I made this weekend for my husband. I think it turned out great! A freind of mine asked me to make a necklace for her boyfriend, who doesn't usually wear jewelry, and my husband liked it a lot. So I made him one with similar beads. But since I started making make Vegas Lights series he's wanted me to do a piece of leather in the shape of Africa and since I was making him a necklace now was the time for Africa. So I made it. It has all kinds of cool beads like black marble, soap stone, coconut, bone, sandstone, jade, carnelian(the last three are what the scarabs are.) He loves it and feels proud to wear it!

Emërtimet: , , , ,


Blogger Feltland said...

Congrats for your work - so beautiful. I don't know if you'll like it, but I tagged you ... you have to write a list with 7 facts people don't know about you ... and then tag 7 more people. Good luck.

maj 08, 2007


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