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1 comments | e diel, 6 maj 2007

So after a few days of painstakingly tweaking, redesigning and trying to have some style while adhering to the parameters of blogger, my husband has me back on track with my blog. "Phew!"

On to American Idol. I always have to give props to my fellow thickgurl LaKisha Jones. I must say that this was the first week I really didn't care for the top she was wearing, but I did like the jeans. They've been dressing her in some fly clothes and I looked at the Idol website and they only show you like things and where you can get them, instead of telling you where the actual clothes she wears come from. "Phooey!"

And when Ryan offered her a seat and politely declined well...us thickgurls have all been there before.

I just want to say did you notice that the brown people were the ones who made through rock night. I think people and the contestants had their doubts, but they pulled through. It's not like rock and roll isn't their music. It surely didn't start with Elvis.

Anyway thickgurl props to LaKisha and to my favorite and the very best contestant on American Idol, Melinda Doolittle.

Emërtimet: , , , , , ,


Blogger Sandra Eileen said...

my favorite is Jordan Sparks, then LaKisha, then Melinda

maj 08, 2007


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