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2 comments | e enjte, 7 qershor 2007

A Punkin Card Company is a wonderfully creative store which has beautiful handmade paper products. She's right up there with some of the better stationary and card creators on Etsy. You should check out her store. Here's a little bit about her:

1. What is your craft?
My craft is paper goods, mostly cards.

2. How did you get started?
When I was planning my wedding I looked into wedding invitations online and saw how much they cost for so little detail. I thought to myself, "I can make these" and I had a blast making them. Now I take that same creative drive to make cards and other paper goods.

3. Hobbyist or artisan?
Mainly a hobbist. In the near future I would like to make my little venture legal and get my business license.

4. What or who has influenced your art the most?
Well, my mother-in-law. She is very crafty and give me great inspiration to continue my craft. Also my fellow etsy crafters. There is nowhere else in the world where you can get encouragement and enjoyment out of a group of people.

5. Where do most of your sales come from?
Mainly from Etsy buyers but some are from local buyers in my town.

6. Do you have a mantra or any tips for other artisans?
I love my hobby and though I have had many people tell me that my cards are amazing, there are still people who think what I do is silly. Know that whatever you do, do it from the heart. Love it with all your soul no matter what other people think. It might be hard in the begining but if you keep at it your dreams will come true. I know it sounds silly but it just might be true.

Thanks A Punkin Card Company for your interview. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you. I wish you much success.


Blogger A Punkin Card Company said...

Thanks!! It's really nice! You are too awesome!

qershor 07, 2007

Blogger A Punkin Card Company said...

Thanks! You rock!

qershor 07, 2007


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