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1 comments | e martë, 19 qershor 2007

Tracey is a crafter in the true sense of the the word. She's got her hand in everything from jewelry to photography, knitting to card making. Like many crafters she wants to do it all, and she does! Here's her interview:

My main craft is jewelry design. But I also do many, many others. I'm a craft-aholic, I guess you can say *laugh* I also make cards, soaps, home-made remedies using essential oils and other things, decopauge and I make different items with polymer clay- including pendants and charms. I am soon going to be launching the Doe-Doe Dilly Bird line :) I also love photography and offer both matted and unmatted photos- some are digitally enhanced, but most are not. I am also working on something new, which I am VERY excited about. It's an invention that everyone (most who love electronics) will be able to use. I sent off for an inventor's kit for it *lol* Patent may be pending soon- not sure, it's so expensive! But it'll be making it's debut soon!!

I got started in crafts, in general, several years ago when I was in my early 20's. Hubby and I was in Wal-Mart and I saw a needlepoint kit I really loved. I told hubby I wanted it and he said, "You haven't ever done anything like that. You're not the crafty type. You can't do that." WRONG WORDS! Don't ever tell me I can't do something! So, of course I bought it and the rest is history. One thing lead to another. My sister is the one who got me into jewelry design. I kept telling her that I wasn't going to get into it, that I didn't need another hobby. But since I'm a rock, crystal and gem collector- it too seemed to be just a natural escalation.

I'm both a hobbyist and artisan. In my jewelry, I'm definitely an artisan. I call myself a Jewelry Artisan and Craftsman.

I'm not really sure anyone has influenced me the most. I'm a lover of all arts and appreciate all different styles and mediums, even if it is not my taste or forte. I respect all who do their art well and take it seriously. I find beauty in all things handcrafted and still find myself in 'awe' at the many wonderful things people create.
If I had to pick one person, I'd have to say, God. Seriously, when I look around at our earth and even in my backyard, early in the morning at just the pure beauty of the colors around, beneath and above me- I'm always amazed. And I always say, "Wow, God, you're an awesome craftsman!" or "Wow, what awesome craftsmanship!" *smiles*

To others I'd say, try not to get too disappointed when sales are down. (And I try to take my own advice) try to remember the reason you do your craft in the first place. We all do our craft(s) because we love making things with our own hands. It's a stress-reducer. We do it because it makes us happy and content while we are creating and proud of our achievement once it's completed. Now that we are selling our work, it can sometimes have the exact opposite effect than the whole initial reason for beginning our craft. Don't let the business side take the joy and peace away from you. Sometimes, we need to step back, take a deep breath and put things into perspective.

Thanks for the opportunity to share with others! I invite everyone to stop by my shop and keep checking back for the new items that will be making an appearance soon :)
I'm also opening a new store at mainstreetonlinemall- so you can find me at:




I hope sellers take what Tracey says to heart because she's got a lot of good points. Thanks Tracey!

Emërtimet: ,


Blogger intuey said...

Thanks so much for the great interview :) I had fun answering your awesome questions!

I have read through some of your other interviews and have enjoyed all of them. It's nice getting to know others on etsy :)

Perhaps, I can return the favor and interview you for my blog?

qershor 20, 2007


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