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1 comments | e shtunë, 23 qershor 2007

Presenting a wonderfully talented artist Miranda Hellman.She has some very beautiful paintings which are surreal and thought-provoking. She also makes amazing jewelry, books, and journals in another Etsy store called Mira Artz Here's her interview:

What is your craft?
I am primarily a painter and have shown in various galleries around New York. But I love handmade things and enjoy bookbinding, printmaking, jewelry, puppets and other hands on project I make up. As long as people enjoy the things I make, it makes me very happy.

How did you get started?
When I was in high school I worked for a Jewelry Store In Copenhagen, Denmark. The Woman who owned the store was great, she set me up doing repair work, alterations and custom work. From there I started my own Jewelry line that sold in small boutiques and craft markets.

Hobbyist or artisan?
Artist for life.
I love the arts. I graduated from Pratt Institute with a degree in Fine Arts, where I majored in painting

What or who has influenced your art the most?
Studying art history keeps me informed, humble and motivated.
I study all the masters living and dead. It’s a long list (so I’m not sure if you want to post that) my mom was good enough to take me to a lot of museums, shows, and the theater growing up.

Where do most of your sales come from?
Most sales come from recommendations from friends. And also people I meet at galleries and craft-shows around town.

Do you have a mantra or any tips for other artisans?
Stay committed and don’t get discouraged. The world today does not support the arts. The truth is that most art today whether it is dance, fine art, craft, theater is supported by the artists themselves. Some days I just what to give up. But then I think back to the short time I had a regular job, and the truth is, crating art is the best thing I know of.

Miranda Hellman has an awesome talent using different mediums and she also has some wonderful insight. Thanks Miranda!


Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely Miranda - artist to artist, I wholeheartedly support you and your effort. xx jamie (leonhart)

qershor 24, 2007


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