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1 comments | e enjte, 21 qershor 2007

Ruben Esq's SketchBlog: Short Cuts If you haven't seen his work yet, you are missing some keen BBW erotica to tickle the fancy of that special man, (or woman) in your life. - Unita

I've gotten a few comments that I should draw women with short hair. I personally prefer long hair on women. I like seeing it and I like drawing it. I don't have too many drawings of women with short hair. If I do, it's because it fits a specific character, or I couldn't think of an interesting long style to draw.

Emërtimet: ,


Blogger Ruben Esq said...

Thanks for the review and the link. I rarely check old posts after about a week or so, and I didn't see your link to this one until today. Hope you're having big success with your jewelry.


korrik 15, 2007


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