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3 comments | e shtunë, 21 korrik 2007

Feel that you are too big too excercise? Don't fret. One strong woman proves you can be a woman with more and still get in that fitness routine...Fat Girl on a Bike

I’m not sure spending three hours this morning hiking through a stream was the smartest way to finish my training for the week, but it sure was fun. Thankfully, the first round of the big summer project will be printed Sunday and I won’t be stressing over it 24-7.

In the mean time, my cable internet at home is broken (thanks Comcast!) so I’m only able make plans and such from work. It’s going on a 10 hour day and it’s only about 4:30pm.

That said, I’ve been thinking a lot about motivation while running. I find that I can visualize myself running much harder than I allow myself to do. Part of that is because I really am afraid of hurting myself. But the other part of me feels like I should save some energy for the last few yards down the finish line.

Screw that. The 3Sports race is a fast course and I’m expecting to finish under two hours. I know the bike will be fast and I know the swim will be really fast. That leaves the run. And dammit, I’m gonna get that run under 45 minutes this time if it kills me.

OK, I hope it won’t kill me, but this time I’m trying something different: going full out the entire time, especially on the run. No holding back.

I can do this. I know I can. And it’s also time to stop being afraid of running. As long as I’m cautious in terms of form and intensity, there’s absolutely no good reason I don’t allow myself to run full out.

And when I get back from Richmond and I recover, I hope to start a new training plan — of, you know, actually doing that hour+ a day I keep promising myself (and only do every other day.)

Emërtimet: ,


Blogger Pam McFadyen said...

Love your site! I just found that you added a link to my blog. Thanks! But could you change it to http://lureartsceramics.blogspot.com/
as this is my professional blog - the other was used to demostrate to students how to create a blog... Let me know if you need more info.

korrik 21, 2007

Anonymous Anonim said...

I used to run every morning. I would pace myself at first then go all out and run fast when you finish. That way you don't tire yourself out when you just started running. I'm sure you can do it!

Too bad I'm not as disciplined anymore when it comes to running and working out in general :-(

gusht 17, 2007

Anonymous Anonim said...

pretty neat blog :-)

dhjetor 12, 2007


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