Anyway, so I guess I'm supposed to tell seven things about myself that no one knows and then tag seven people. I don't think I even have that many people in my blog roll!
1. I like to listen to Justin Timberlake. So I guess you could call me a "Fan-a-lake" (I just made that up.)
2. I really hate working out. You're supposed to wear tight clothes and well, look my clothes are already tight!
3. I live next to a nursing home but elderly people scare me. I have to sneek off to work before daylight when they put their hearing aids in and peer out their windows to see who's there.
4. I like to break wind when nobody's looking.
5. The idea of S&M and bondage intrigues me but I really don't like pain.
6. I really enjoy picking my nose. (I was tagged so I'm letting it all out, or maybe I did that on #4.)
7. Every morning my husband starts to snore as soon as I get out of bed. I think it's because he doesn't want me to ask him to make me some tea!
So there you have it! Who knows if anyone will read this anyway. I just hope my husband doesn't read it. He doesn't know any of this!
Well, I'm happy to be the first person to link to your blog, and I check on it all the time, it looks different now though.
You are the fourth person to tag me in the past couple of days, haven't responded to them yet, as got tagged three times before that. How can I keep coming up with 7 people? lol Allof the last 7 didn't even do it/
I will try in a bit though and move on - Thanks for the tag.
Sandra Eileen
maj 08, 2007
I love your blog! You are a funny gal. Keep it up.
maj 15, 2007
Thanks! I try!
maj 23, 2007
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