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1 comments | e diel, 20 maj 2007

My BBW Ladies I finally found some awesome black pants that aren't Old Navy(their pants are usually the only ones that fit me right!) At a local store I found they carried Dickies pants in plus sizes! Yes, you read correctly, Dickies! Because I'm a bargain hunter, I didn't buy them immediately after I tried them on(it was so hard not to.) So I went home and looked online to see if I could find them cheaper somewhere else. I had NO success finding them at all. Although, I did find that at dickiesgirl.com they have a whole plus size line coming soon. So I signed up for their mailing list in hopes that they'll come out with it soon!
The pants are low rise stretch and they have one, what they call a welt pocket on the back. There are no pleats in the front and they have straight legs. Of course they're too long for me as all pants are so i'll have to have them altered, but I'm extremely happy with my purchase and I wanted to share this wit y'all. Unfortunately, I was unable to find these anywhere online so I'm not sure how the local store found them, but be patient and hopefully they'll come to a store near you soon or at least come to the website soon!

Emërtimet: , , , ,


Blogger Sandra Eileen said...

I love black jeans. Love them.

maj 20, 2007


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